A short animated documentary about the extraordinary life of fashion designer Pierre Cardin. I played the role of designer along with my good friend Grace Poole, and together we created the look of this film! It was nice to take a break from the fast turnaround of commercial projects to sit down and focus on a short film, exploring the look for the better part of a year. I hope you enjoy!
Produced by:
Animation Director:
Animation Producer:
3D Animation:
Original Score:
Post-production Sound:
SCAD, Ways and Means
Matthew Miller
Brian Covalt
Natalie Garcia Mayor, Simrun Dhugga
Grace Poole, Ryan Whiteley
Alyx Jolivet, Casey White, Cindy Yang,
Clarisse Chua, Connor Hoffmann,
Jackie Files, Joseph Nate Lowe,
Matthew Wade, Michael Nahem,
Morgan Pabst, Siobhan Ensley,
Tessa Lowe, Timm Daza
John Van Unen
Erin Bradley
Sean Leonard, Matthew Miller
Angie Hewitt, Jon Paramel,
Matthew Wong, Rae Huang, Sea Imaki
Ali Helnwein
LIME Studios
Client: Alaska Airlines
Agency: Rauxa
Animation Director: Brian Covalt
Design: Ryan Whiteley, Molly Douglas, Annie Liao
Animation: Robert Mariazeta, Annie Liao, Chris O'Hara
Compositing: Brian Covalt, Erin Bradley
Produced by: SCAD, Ways and Means
Director: Matthew Miller
Animation Director: Brian Covalt
Animation Producer: Natalie Garcia Mayor, Simrun Dhugga
Design: Grace Poole, Ryan Whiteley
Animation: Alyx Jolivet, Casey White, Cindy Yang, Clarisse Chua, Connor Hoffmann, Jackie Files, Joseph Nate Lowe, Matthew Wade, Michael Nahem, Morgan Pabst, Siobhan Ensley, Tessa Lowe, Timm Daza
3D Animation: John Van Unen
Compositing: Erin Bradley
Editor: Sean Leonard, Matthew Miller
Interns: Angie Hewitt, Jon Paramel, Matthew Wong, Rae Huang, Sea Imaki
Original Score: Ali Helnwein
Post-production Sound: LIME Studios